
Monday, May 14, 2012

Day Eleven: 4rd day in the hospital for Pulmonary Embolism

My fourth day in the hospital is a carbon copy of the previous day, with one very big exception! I SLEPT!
I slept so deeply that I don't remember the nurses or anyone else coming into my room during the night.

My INR level has increased from 1.2 to 1.3. Not high enough for the doctor to release me.
Doctor is also concerned about the blood in my sputum. It's not increased, but he wants to make sure it doesn't!

Doctor would like to keep me one more day in the hospital.

The hernias are healing fine: I have some pain in the morning and some before going to sleep(requiring some minor pain meds). But, other than that, I am able to walk without the help of a cane and I can take a shower without any assistance. I can get in and out of the hospital bed with some minor discomfort and can even pick up an object that fell to the floor!

Progress! Well, at least in the hernia department. The Pulmonary Embolism will have to wait....

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